I keep getting:
SQL error: ERROR: could not create unique index "service_import_checksum_key" DETAIL: Key (checksum)=() is duplicated.
In statement:
ALTER TABLE "public"."service_import" ADD CONSTRAINT "service_import_checksum_key" UNIQUE ("checksum")
But this constraint ISN'T a duplicate. There is no other constraint like this anywhere in the entire database and I have no idea why on earth it keeps insisting it's a duplicate. I'm assuming this is some weird nuance of postgres that I'm missing here.
What am I doing wrong?
Table dump:
-- PostgreSQL database dump
SET statement_timeout = 0;
SET client_encoding = 'UTF8';
SET standard_conforming_strings = off;
SET check_function_bodies = false;
SET client_min_messages = warning;
SET escape_string_warning = off;
SET search_path = public, pg_catalog;
SET default_tablespace = '';
SET default_with_oids = false;
-- Name: service_import; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: cvs_tar; Tablespace:
CREATE TABLE service_import (
id integer NOT NULL,
name character varying(32) NOT NULL,
importfile character varying(64) NOT NULL,
reportfile character varying(64) NOT NULL,
percent smallint NOT NULL,
message text NOT NULL,
stamp timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL,
complete smallint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
checksum character varying(40) NOT NULL
ALTER TABLE public.service_import OWNER TO cvs_tar;
-- Name: service_imports_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: cvs_tar
CREATE SEQUENCE service_imports_id_seq
ALTER TABLE public.service_imports_id_seq OWNER TO cvs_tar;
-- Name: service_imports_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: cvs_tar
ALTER SEQUENCE service_imports_id_seq OWNED BY service_import.id;
-- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: cvs_tar
ALTER TABLE service_import ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('service_imports_id_seq'::regclass);
-- Name: service_import_name_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: cvs_tar; Tablespace:
ALTER TABLE ONLY service_import
ADD CONSTRAINT service_import_name_key UNIQUE (name);
-- Name: service_import_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: cvs_tar; Tablespace:
ALTER TABLE ONLY service_import
ADD CONSTRAINT service_import_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
-- Name: service_import_complete_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: cvs_tar; Tablespace:
CREATE INDEX service_import_complete_idx ON service_import USING btree (complete);
-- Name: service_import_stamp_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: cvs_tar; Tablespace:
CREATE INDEX service_import_stamp_idx ON service_import USING btree (stamp);
-- PostgreSQL database dump complete
, or provide another description of the table? Also, doesCREATE UNIQUE INDEX
work instead? – Introduction