Can any one guide me how to print the contents of my UIWebview,
FOR EX : - i would like to print my doc,xls,ppt file from UIWebview to print the contents.
Please get some links or sample code to solve this problem
Thanks in advance
Can any one guide me how to print the contents of my UIWebview,
FOR EX : - i would like to print my doc,xls,ppt file from UIWebview to print the contents.
Please get some links or sample code to solve this problem
Thanks in advance
UIPrintInfo *pi = [UIPrintInfo printInfo];
pi.outputType = UIPrintInfoOutputGeneral;
pi.jobName = webView.request.URL.absoluteString;
pi.orientation = UIPrintInfoOrientationPortrait;
pi.duplex = UIPrintInfoDuplexLongEdge;
UIPrintInteractionController *pic = [UIPrintInteractionController sharedPrintController];
pic.printInfo = pi;
pic.showsPageRange = YES;
pic.printFormatter = webView.viewPrintFormatter;
[pic presentAnimated:YES completionHandler:^(UIPrintInteractionController *pic2, BOOL completed, NSError *error) {
// indicate done or error
A more extensive sample on Apple's dev site.
To print contents of UIWebview, view formatters are required. I have pasted the code below.
UIPrintInteractionController *pic = [UIPrintInteractionController sharedPrintController];
//pic.delegate = self;
UIPrintInfo *printInfo = [UIPrintInfo printInfo];
printInfo.outputType = UIPrintInfoOutputGeneral;
printInfo.jobName = @"";
printInfo.duplex = UIPrintInfoDuplexLongEdge;
pic.printInfo = printInfo;
pic.showsPageRange = YES;
// Webvied print
NSData *mydata=[NSData dataWithContentsOfURL: [NSURL URLWithString: @""]];
// Use this webview if your content is not loaded into webview, if webview already exists then give its reference here
UIWebView *webview = [[UIWebView alloc] initWithFrame: CGRectZero];
[webview loadRequest: [NSURLRequest requestWithURL: [NSURL URLWithString: @""]]];
[webview loadData:mydata MIMEType:@"text/html" textEncodingName:@"utf-8" baseURL: [NSURL URLWithString: @""]];
UIViewPrintFormatter *formatter = [webview viewPrintFormatter];
pic.printFormatter = formatter;
void (^completionHandler)(UIPrintInteractionController *, BOOL, NSError *) =
^(UIPrintInteractionController *printController, BOOL completed, NSError *error) {
if (!completed && error) {
NSLog(@"Printing could not complete because of error: %@", error);
[pic presentAnimated:YES completionHandler:completionHandler];
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