This is the query that I am trying to write in Criteria:
WHERE NOT PartType IN ('0','4','5','6','7','a','b','c')
The above is in iBatis.
So this is the hbm.xml for the table
<class name="Parts" table="SomeDb..Parts">
<id name="recordNumber" column="Recnum" />
<property name="partNumber" column="Partnum" />
<property name="sectionNumber" column="Secnum" />
<property name="articleNumber" column="Articlenum"/>
<property name="headerNumber" column="Headernum"/>
<property name="partType" column="PartType"/>
<property name="code" column="Code"/>
The partType is nvarchar with the length of 1 in a SQL Server db. I am trying to select records that do not have a part type of any of this '0','4','5','6','7','a','b','c'. Hope I have answered your question. Thanks