I've tested the Cordova 3.0.0 CLI Tool. The command
$ sudo cordova platform add android
was done OK. But i've got error during the command
$ sudo cordova platform add ios
[Error: An error occured during creation of ios sub-project. /bin/sh: /Users/user/.cordova/lib/ios/cordova/3.0.0/bin/create: No such file or directory ]
When I decided to install a previous version
$ sudo npm install -g [email protected]
Yes, -
$ cordova platform add ios
command done his job. I got ios sub-project
I've Xcode 4.6.3 and xCode's Command Line tools are installed. Thanks in advance for any clue.
BTW, I'm not alone with such problem. Please see - PhoneGap CLI: "An error occured during creation of ios sub project" https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/phonegap/woWZzT39osg/CpK_rUIKmYAJ
Update: Fixed: the versioned folder was deleted i.e.
rm -rf ~/.cordova/lib/ios/cordova/3.0.0/
and after
$ sudo cordova platform add ios
ios platform was added with no errors.