I am using Delphi XE6 and VCL styles. I have main application and dlls. My main application has enabled runtime themes and I am using vcl style files. I did quite similar thing to my DLLs. I enabled runtime themes and added VCL.Themes, VCL.Styles under uses and resource file with VCL style file within it. When DLL is loaded I load VCL style from resources and set it for DLL gui. Main app and DLL are not built with runtime packages.
Now I have main app GUI styled with own style and DLL gui styled with own style too. This seems to work fine until...
When I click on button in my main app which event opens TPopupMenu it's styled with same style as DLL GUI instead of main app style. If I navigate through menu I get AV too and program crashes. Take a look at the attached image.
What am I doing wrong? The only workaround I currently see would be to make my own customized TPopupMenu derived from some other control.
As I promised I prepared simple demo program which is similar to my application. It consists of host application with own style and DLL with style added to resource. Run it and click on button Popup then try select something from popup. It will crash and stop in some StdWindowProc or something like that. Also if you go to window system menu (left top corner) when you try to select something from that menu you will notice that system menu is styled as DLL gui and crashes too. Link to rar file: dropbox.com/sh/f2jmbsmw18akpyg/AAA6SWdBmVhf6n6K-mvYLLmua?dl=0
Thanks for your help.
. That call toEnumModules
looks a bit iffy to me. – Vandalism