How do you reference a pyspark dataframe when in the execution of an UDF on another dataframe?
Here's a dummy example. I am creating two dataframes scores
and lastnames
, and within each lies a column that is the same across the two dataframes. In the UDF applied on scores
, I want to filter on lastnames
and return a string found in lastname
from pyspark import SparkContext
from pyspark import SparkConf
from pyspark.sql import SQLContext
from pyspark.sql.types import *
sc = SparkContext("local")
sqlCtx = SQLContext(sc)
# Generate Random Data
import itertools
import random
student_ids = ['student1', 'student2', 'student3']
subjects = ['Math', 'Biology', 'Chemistry', 'Physics']
data = []
for (student_id, subject) in itertools.product(student_ids, subjects):
data.append((student_id, subject, random.randint(0, 100)))
from pyspark.sql.types import StructType, StructField, IntegerType, StringType
schema = StructType([
StructField("student_id", StringType(), nullable=False),
StructField("subject", StringType(), nullable=False),
StructField("score", IntegerType(), nullable=False)
# Create DataFrame
rdd = sc.parallelize(data)
scores = sqlCtx.createDataFrame(rdd, schema)
# create another dataframe
last_name = ["Granger", "Weasley", "Potter"]
data2 = []
for i in range(len(student_ids)):
data2.append((student_ids[i], last_name[i]))
schema = StructType([
StructField("student_id", StringType(), nullable=False),
StructField("last_name", StringType(), nullable=False)
rdd = sc.parallelize(data2)
lastnames = sqlCtx.createDataFrame(rdd, schema)
from pyspark.sql.functions import udf
def getLastName(sid):
tmp_df = lastnames.filter(lastnames.student_id == sid)
return tmp_df.last_name
getLastName_udf = udf(getLastName, StringType())
scores.withColumn("last_name", getLastName_udf("student_id")).show(10)
And the following is the last part of the trace:
Py4JError: An error occurred while calling o114.__getnewargs__. Trace:
py4j.Py4JException: Method __getnewargs__([]) does not exist
at py4j.reflection.ReflectionEngine.getMethod(
at py4j.reflection.ReflectionEngine.getMethod(
at py4j.Gateway.invoke(
at py4j.commands.AbstractCommand.invokeMethod(
at py4j.commands.CallCommand.execute(
inside UDF because it will be processed in executor anddf
ref is accessible from driver only. You can use broadcast variables forlastnames
. Let me know if need any help. – Yayalastnames
rather than doing it from UDF. – Yaya