I am trying to setup a bare minimum configuration using Svelte + PouchDB and running into the above error in the browser. Please see below the steps to reproduce the issue.
Steps to reproduce:
- Create a bare-bones Vite Scaffold project using Svelte template and verify that it works as expected in the browser
$ npm create vite@latest pouchdb-test -- --template svelte
$ cd pouchdb-test
$ npm install
$ npm run dev
Install PouchDB (or pouchdb-browser, the issue is reproduced just the same)
$ npm install --save pouchdb
Create a DB using PouchDB (Lines 2 and 3 below were added by me. Other lines were present as-is.)
# src/lib/Counter.svelte
import PouchDB from "pouchdb"; // <--- or "pouchdb-browser" if that is installed
const db = new PouchDB('myDB'); // <--- Add this line too
let count = 0
const increment = () => {
count += 1
<button on:click={increment}>
count is {count}
- Update vite.config.js (Line 7 was added by me. Others were already present.)
# vite.config.js
import {defineConfig} from 'vite';
import {svelte} from '@sveltejs/vite-plugin-svelte';
// https://vitejs.dev/config/
export default defineConfig({
plugins: [svelte()],
define: {global: {}} // <--- Add this line. If not present then this exception occurs:
// Uncaught ReferenceError: global is not defined
// at node_modules/immediate/lib/mutation.js (mutation.js:6:16)
// at __require (chunk-DFKQJ226.js?v=c3a35530:8:50)
// at node_modules/immediate/lib/index.js (index.js:5:3)
// at __require (chunk-DFKQJ226.js?v=c3a35530:8:50)
// at index-browser.es.js:1:23
- Rebuild the program and open the app ( in browser. If you inspect the console then this Exception is thrown: Uncaught TypeError: Class extends value [object Object] is not a constructor or null at index-browser.es.js:457:23
I am unable to understand why this error occurs and how to solve it. Any help or pointers is most welcome.