I started working on a project that needed full text search in Ruby so naturally I started with Solr + Sunspot, but I couldn't get it to work. It was a pain just the get them connected, then tried to figure out if the document indexed correctly, figure out the runtime classpath so I can add additional analyzer/tokenizer classes, editing config.xml/schema.xml, etc. Solr numDocs clearly said it received and indexed them but I couldn't get any query results. I just gave up after a couple days, it was kind of a configuration hell.
ElasticSearch + Tire was a breezy to get it up and running, I got it working in an hour.
Lucene is just a Java search library, hence Solr was developed to be a full service search app, but Solr still have all the trapping of a typical Java webapp: overly complicated XML configurations, schema-heavy, expect XML docs for indexing, requires a Java servlet container (Jetty or Tomcat), which just become too many points of failure for me.
ElasticSearch is based on Lucene too, it has a built-in servlet container so just run like a daemon, use a very straight forward JSON + REST API so it's great for testing and a more natural fit for Ruby. It's schemaless and it worked for me without even editing a config file. Everything worked beautifully.
What I really needed was Chinese search and ElasticSearch already packaged Luecene's SmartChineseAnalyzer as a plugin. Not sure how difficult it will be to customize the analyzer/tokenizer chain if you need that level of customization. Docmentation for ElasticSearch and Tire are both top-notch.
Tire (Ruby library for ElasticSearch)
You can try out the demo, it'll install a rails searchapp, download the ElasticSearch binary and run it, then start Webrick automatically.
$ rails new searchapp -m https://raw.github.com/karmi/tire/master/examples/rails-application-template.rb
On my system it complained about not having a Javascript engine (Rails 3.2? no longer include thereubyracer gem by default), so I had to:
$ wget https://raw.github.com/karmi/tire/master/examples/rails-application-template.rb
$ nano rails-application-template.rb
add gem 'therubyracer' in the file (look for gem 'tire' and gem 'will_paginate'), then...
$ rails new searchapp -m rails-application-template.rb
For developing my own app, I just downladed the ElasticSearch tarball and run in the foreground with the -f switch (so I can easily stop it by Ctrl-C)
$ bin/elasticsearch -f
You can install the eleasticsearch-head plugin to get a web admin interface
Also something I found out: if you have one-to-many relationship models, Tire won't resolve them for you in the search results, it just returns a flat collection. Your has_many and belongs_to relationships will just be object ids in the collection rather than full objects.