We have an in-house Azure DevOps 2019 server and I'm currently setting up a build for a new .Net6 solution whose projects reference various packages from both nuget.org and an in-house feed in our ADO server's "Artifacts" area.
With this being .Net6, I'm assuming I have to use the ".Net Core" restore task (black square icon), rather than the older "NuGet" restore task (blue icon)? I've therefore added the former, and configured the pertinent settings as seen below, where "NuGetPackages" is the name of our in-house feed:
When I run the build, this task is failing with the message
error NU1301: Unable to load the service index for source http://***/_packaging/2df3c440-07a5-4c01-8e5c-bfbd6e132f09/nuget/v3/index.json.
The URL of our in-house feed is:
, so why has the feed name in the URL been replaced with a GUID as seen in the error message? Presumably this is why the restore fails.
Incidentally we have numerous .Net Framework 4.x solutions that reference the same packages and build fine. These use the older "NuGet" (blue icon) restore task, but the settings are identical to those in the above image, suggesting that the newer ".Net Core" task is doing something strange.
(As an aside, could someone explain the difference between the "NuGet" task and the ".Net Core" task? Could I still use the older task in my .Net6 build pipeline? I tried it briefly earlier but it complained that msbuild v17 isn't installed and didn't want to continue down that path for fear of breaking the 4.x builds).