This wouldn't be too hard to create at all, for example if you had a find
, maybe like:
@all_words ="words.word")
…which returned a result a result set such as a list of words like this:
["alphabet", "boy", "day", "donkey", "ruby", "rails", "iPad"]
…the you could do this:
@all_words.collect {|word| word[0,1]}.uniq.sort
which would return:
["a", "b", "d", "r", "i"]
The .collect {|word| word[0,1]}
stores the first letter of each word into a new array whilst uniq
filters out the unique letters and sort
sorts these alphabetically.
Simply assign this to a variable and you can use it in your view like so:
<% @first_letters.each do |letter| %>
<%= content_tag :li, link_to(letter, words_pagination_url(letter), :title => "Pagination by letter: #{letter}") %>
<% end %>
Your controller action could then decide what to do with the param from the pagination if one is passed in:
def index
if params[:letter]
@words = Word.by_letter(params[:letter])
@words = Word.all
And then the scope in your model would look something like:
scope :by_letter,
lambda { |letter| {
:conditions => ["words.word LIKE ?", "#{letter}%"]
Your routes require something like:
match "words(/:letter)" => "words#index", :as => words_pagination
I haven't tested this all the way through but it should set you on the right path.