How do I import a .jks file into the java security's truststore? All the tutorial I'm seeing is using a ".crt" file. However, I only have the ".jks" file which is also the keystore I generated using the keytool command.
Currently, I'm following this tutorial.
I was able to generate a Java keystore and key pair and generate a certificate signing request (CSR) for an existing Java keystore, which is based on the tutorial. But I cannot import a root or intermediate CA certificate to an existing Java keystore, and import a signed primary certificate to an existing Java keystore, because it is looking for a ".cert" file.
Am I missing something on the steps listed on the tutorial? How can I trust a certificate if the only file I have is the ".jks" file? And what is the use of the ".csr" file?
Please note that I'm using Windows.
keystore to work with? If you are just the client and you are not using client authentication then you don't need to generate a key pair. – Calchas