I am having trouble making node.js and mongodb with mongolab work on heroku. I have read other issues like How do I setup MongoDB database on Heroku with MongoLab? and How do I manage MongoDB connections in a Node.js web application? but I still can not set up my connection. In the logs it says [Error: failed to connect to ...]
I have takend the db, host and port from the MONGOLAB_URI process env.I have the following code:
var mongoUri = mongodb://heroku_app17328644:{password}@ds037518.mongolab.com //taken from process.env.MONGOLAB_URI
var host = 'mongodb://heroku_appXXXXXX:{password}@ds037518.mongolab.com';
var port = '37518';
var database = 'heroku_appXXXXXX';
Provider.db = new Db(database, new Server(host, port, { safe: true }, { auto_reconnect: true }, {}));
Provider.db.open(function(err, db){
console.log(db); //null
if (err) console.log(err);
else console.log('success');
What am I doing wrong ?
Error: failed to connect to ...
and thedb
is null :) – Fugacious