Write a SQL query to find all numbers that appear at least three times
Asked Answered



I'm practicing SQL language and got a question like:

Write a SQL query to find all numbers that appear at least three times consecutively.

| Id | Num |
| 1  |  1  |
| 2  |  1  |
| 3  |  1  |
| 4  |  2  |
| 5  |  1  |
| 6  |  2  |
| 7  |  2  |

For example, given the above Logs table, 1 is the only number that appears consecutively for at least three times.

I got a solution online and test it. But I really do not understand it. The big picture of the solution is clear. sq table counts the occurrences. But I did not understand the part of computing the sq. I've done a lot of research on the MYSQL. @counter := IF(@prev = Num, @counter + 1, 1) means if prev = Num, making counter = counter + 1, otherwise counter = 1. (SELECT @counter:=1, @prev:=NULL) vars means create a table vars which includes two columns counter and pre.

Can anyone help me explain the logic of the sq part? Or is there any tutorial for this kind of expressions in the SELECT? I'm totally new to SQL and I know this question may be pretty simple. Thanks for your help!

SELECT  DISTINCT(Num) AS ConsecutiveNums
    @counter := IF(@prev = Num, @counter + 1, 1) AS how_many_cnt_in_a_row,
    @prev := Num
    FROM Logs y, (SELECT @counter:=1, @prev:=NULL) vars
) sq
WHERE how_many_cnt_in_a_row >= 3
Brigadier answered 23/7, 2015 at 3:20 Comment(0)

First, the line below is simply initializing variables @counter and @prev. For more information about it check User Defined Variables.

(SELECT @counter:=1, @prev:=NULL)

So, sq is not an actual table, but it works as an alias so you can reference these in-memory variables.@counter variable counts how many numbers are in consecutive order, when the previous number @prev is different from the actual one Num, @counter is reset to 1 and the counting process starts again.

In order to be clearer, here is what would be the values for sq:

+-----+-----------------------+ | Num | how_many_cnt_in_a_row | +-----+-----------------------+ | 1 | 1 | | 1 | 2 | | 1 | 3 | | 2 | 1 | | 1 | 1 | | 2 | 1 | | 2 | 2 | +-----+-----+

Fibrilla answered 23/7, 2015 at 3:53 Comment(1)
THanks. THis is exactly what I want. Actually, I also just figured it out by myself. see sqlfiddle.com/#!9/e3616/2Brigadier

Let's go through each record and see how this query works. It's well written.


What does SELECT...FROM Logs y, (...) vars mean?

If you had a table like this: create table test(field1 int) that contains 3 rows like so:


Doing select * from test, (select @counter:=1, @prev:=NULL) vars will result in

field1  @counter:=1  @prev=NULL
------- ------------ -----------
1       1            NULL
2       1            NULL
3       1            NULL

@counter and @prev are session variables. They are initialized to 1 and NULL respectively. All rows are combined with these variables to give you what you see above.

Row by row analysis of the subquery

Focus on just this subquery.

@counter := IF(@prev = Num, @counter + 1, 1) AS how_many_cnt_in_a_row,
@prev := Num
FROM Logs y, (SELECT @counter:=1, @prev:=NULL) vars

The query selects the first row of ID=1, Num=1, and chooses Num as it's first column.

For the 2nd column, it does some math. It checks if @prev = Num. Well, @prev is NULL because that's how it was initialized. So, @prev = Num results in false. IF is generally written as IF(condition, what-to-do-if-condition-is-true, what-to-do-if-condition-is-false).

IF(@prev = Num, @counter + 1, 1)
   -----------  ------------  --
   condition    do this       do this if condition
                if true       is false

Since @prev is NULL and not equal to Num, 1 is returned.

For the 3rd column, the query just resets @prev to Num. That's really all. Now let's see how SELECT goes line by line and does its magic.

Num  @prev was  @counter was  @counter calculation      @prev reset to Num
---  ---------  ------------  -----------------------   ------------------
1    NULL       1             is @prev = 1? No. So 1      1
1    1          1             is @prev = 1? Yes! So 2     1
1    1          2             is @prev = 1? Yes! So 3     1
2    1          3             is @prev = 2? No. So 1      2
1    2          1             is @prev = 1? No. So 1      1
2    1          1             is @prev = 2? No. So 1      2
2    2          1             is @prev = 2? Yes! So 2     2

The 2nd and 3rd column above are for understanding purposes only.

Now that the subquery has done its job, SELECT DISTINCT... comes and asks: From the result above, give me only the row that has @counter of 3 or higher. The result is going to be

Num   @counter  @prev
----  --------  -----
1     3         1

If your dataset had five 1s one after the other, 3rd, 4th and 5th 1 will be retrieved. Therefore, DISTINCT(Num) is used to select only a single 1. It's just smart thinking. It may be possible to change the WHERE clause to read WHERE ... = 3 insted of >= 3.

Hope this makes sense.

Demark answered 23/7, 2015 at 4:8 Comment(3)
Thanks so much for your help! It's hard for me to choose which one as the correct answer since @djeison also gives the correct idea and earlier (but not as detail as your). I always do not figure out the rule at stackoverflow for the correct answer. The first almost correct one get the mark or the absolute correct and more detailed one.Brigadier
You chose the right answer as the correct answer. djeison answered 14 minutes ahead of me and is a meaningful, correct answer. I added my detailed note for reference. So keep djeison's post as the answer - that's my recommendation.Demark
This is simply amazing.Aristides

First, the line below is simply initializing variables @counter and @prev. For more information about it check User Defined Variables.

(SELECT @counter:=1, @prev:=NULL)

So, sq is not an actual table, but it works as an alias so you can reference these in-memory variables.@counter variable counts how many numbers are in consecutive order, when the previous number @prev is different from the actual one Num, @counter is reset to 1 and the counting process starts again.

In order to be clearer, here is what would be the values for sq:

+-----+-----------------------+ | Num | how_many_cnt_in_a_row | +-----+-----------------------+ | 1 | 1 | | 1 | 2 | | 1 | 3 | | 2 | 1 | | 1 | 1 | | 2 | 1 | | 2 | 2 | +-----+-----+

Fibrilla answered 23/7, 2015 at 3:53 Comment(1)
THanks. THis is exactly what I want. Actually, I also just figured it out by myself. see sqlfiddle.com/#!9/e3616/2Brigadier
    distinct A.num as ConsecutiveNums 
    LOGS A
    on A.id=b.id+1
INNER join Logs C
    on b.id=c.id+1
WHERE a.num=b.num AND a.num=c.num
Ravo answered 7/5, 2021 at 3:47 Comment(2)
Please format the SQL with the code tags. Also you should explain what your query exactly does.Covarrubias
Its also good to give some idea of your DDL Scripts and also Data use something like sqlfiddle.com to provide a minimal reproducible example as per rules. stackoverflow.com/help/minimal-reproducible-exampleGunderson

Try the following query:

select ConsecutiveNums from(    
        when lag(Num) over (order by Id) = Num and Num=lead(Num) over (order by 
        Id)  then Num 
        end as ConsecutiveNums
        from Logs
where ConsecutiveNums is not null
Trujillo answered 29/8, 2020 at 11:37 Comment(1)
Code only answers are more helpful if you add an explanationSortie

Here is another version of the answer...

select distinct num 
  from ( 
          select num
                ,lag(num,1) over() as lag1
                ,lag(num,2) over() as lag2
       ) as a
   where  num = lag1 = lag2
     and  lag1 = lag2
Noblesse answered 11/11, 2021 at 10:49 Comment(1)
when come negative values it give nullGrudging
         LAG(Num) OVER (ORDER BY Id) AS prev_num,
         LEAD(Num) OVER (ORDER BY Id) AS next_num
  FROM your_table
) AS subquery
WHERE Num = prev_num AND Num = next_num;
Nineteenth answered 20/5, 2023 at 6:50 Comment(1)
Your answer could be improved with additional supporting information. Please edit to add further details, such as citations or documentation, so that others can confirm that your answer is correct. You can find more information on how to write good answers in the help center.Manna
select distinct num from ( select num,
                            lag(num,1) over(order by ID) lag1,
                            lead(num,1) over(order by ID) lead1
                            from Table
                            ) as a
    where num=lag1 and num=lead1
    and lag1=lead1
Dimitris answered 27/9, 2023 at 0:25 Comment(1)
As it’s currently written, your answer is unclear. Please edit to add additional details that will help others understand how this addresses the question asked. You can find more information on how to write good answers in the help center.Manna

Another solution to check if next ids have the same value as current id

SELECT DISTINCT Num as ConsecutiveNums
WHERE (Id + 1, Num) IN (SELECT * FROM Logs) AND (Id + 2, Num) IN (SELECT * FROM Logs)
Ransdell answered 21/11, 2023 at 20:25 Comment(0)

Another approach

    SELECT a.id, a.num
    FROM Logs AS a
        a.num = b.num AND 
        b.id - a.id = 1
SELECT DISTINCT m.num AS ConsecutiveNums
    SELECT x.num
    FROM x
        x.num = y.num AND
        y.id - x.id = 1
) AS m;
Berkey answered 10/6, 2024 at 11:4 Comment(0)

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