I recently started using Haskell and it will probably be for a short while. Just being asked to use it to better understand functional programming for a class I am taking at Uni.
Now I have a slight problem I am currently facing with what I am trying to do. I want to build it breadth-first but I think I got my conditions messed up or my conditions are also just wrong.
So essentially if I give it
[“A1-Gate”, “North-Region”, “South-Region”, “Convention Center”, “Rectorate”, “Academic Building1”, “Academic Building2”]
and [0.0, 0.5, 0.7, 0.3, 0.6, 1.2, 1.4, 1.2]
, my tree should come out like
But my test run results are haha not what I expected. So an extra sharp expert in Haskell could possibly help me spot what I am doing wrong. Output:
*Main> l1 = ["A1-Gate", "North-Region", "South-Region", "Convention Center",
"Rectorate", "Academic Building1", "Academic Building2"]
*Main> l3 = [0.0, 0.5, 0.7, 0.3, 0.6, 1.2, 1.4, 1.2]
*Main> parkingtree = createBinaryParkingTree l1 l3
*Main> parkingtree
Node "North-Region" 0.5
(Node "A1-Gate" 0.0 EmptyTree EmptyTree)
(Node "Convention Center" 0.3
(Node "South-Region" 0.7 EmptyTree EmptyTree)
(Node "Academic Building2" 1.4
(Node "Academic Building1" 1.2 EmptyTree EmptyTree)
(Node "Rectorate" 0.6 EmptyTree EmptyTree)))
A-1 Gate should be the root but it ends up being a child with no children so pretty messed up conditions.
If I could get some guidance it would help. Below is what I've written so far::
data Tree = EmptyTree | Node [Char] Float Tree Tree deriving (Show,Eq,Ord)
insertElement location cost EmptyTree =
Node location cost EmptyTree EmptyTree
insertElement newlocation newcost (Node location cost left right) =
if (left == EmptyTree && right == EmptyTree)
then Node location cost (insertElement newlocation newcost EmptyTree)
else if (left == EmptyTree && right /= EmptyTree)
then Node location cost (insertElement newlocation newcost EmptyTree)
else if (left /= EmptyTree && right == EmptyTree)
then Node location cost left
(insertElement newlocation newcost EmptyTree)
else Node newlocation newcost EmptyTree
(Node location cost left right)
buildBPT [] = EmptyTree
--buildBPT (xs:[]) = insertElement (fst xs) (snd xs) (buildBPT [])
buildBPT (x:xs) = insertElement (fst x) (snd x) (buildBPT xs)
createBinaryParkingTree a b = buildBPT (zip a b)
Thank you for any guidance that might be provided. Yes I have looked at some of the similar questions I do think my problem is different but if you think a certain post has a clear answer that will help I am willing to go and take a look at it.
bfst(Xs,T):- bfst(Xs,[T|R],R). bfst(Xs,Ns,Z):- Xs=[] -> Z=[], maplist(=(empty),Ns) ; Xs=[X|Xs2], Ns=[node(X,L,R)|Ns2], Z=[L,R|Z2], bfst(Xs2,Ns2,Z2).
. – Tridentine