Writing a Parse Cloud Function (which uses Parse Javascript SDK) and I am having trouble checking to see if the current user has role "Admin". I'm looking at the web view of the Role class and a role with the name "Admin" exists, if I click "View Relations" for users, it shows the current user. I doubt it should matter, but "Admin" is the only role and the current user is the only user with a role. Lastly, the "Admin" role has an ACL of Public Read, so that shouldn't be causing any issues either.
Code is as follows:
var queryRole = new Parse.Query(Parse.Role);
queryRole.equalTo('name', 'Admin');
queryRole.equalTo("users", Parse.User.current());
success: function(result) { // Role Object
var role = result;
role ? authorized = true : console.log('Shiet, user not Admin');
error: function(error) {
console.log("Bruh, queryRole error");
console.log('After test: Auth = ' + authorized);
if (!authorized) {
response.error("You ain't no admin, measly user");
This results in the following in the log:
Before test: Auth = false
After test: Auth = false