I am trying to write the destructor for my Binary Search Tree and I know how to recursively loop through the tree, but I do not know how to do that in the destructor so that every node is deleted.
My Header is:
struct Node;
typedef string TreeType;
typedef Node * TreePtr;
//Defines a Node
struct Node
TreeType Info;
int countDuplicates = 1;
TreePtr Left, Right;
class Tree
//Retruns true if the tree is Empty
bool Empty();
//Inserts a Node into the tree
bool Insert(TreeType);
//Delete decides what type of delection needs to occur, then calls the correct Delete function
bool Delete(Node * , Node * );
//Deletes a leaf node from the tree
bool DeleteLeaf(TreePtr, TreePtr);
//Deletes a two child node from the tree
bool DeleteTwoChild(TreePtr);
//Deletes a one child node from the tree
bool DeleteOneChild(TreePtr, TreePtr);
//Finds a certain node in the tree
bool Find(TreeType);
//Calculates the height of the tree
int Height(TreePtr);
//Keeps a count of the nodes currently in the tree;
void Counter();
//Prints the nodes to the output text file in order alphabetically
void InOrder(ofstream &,TreePtr);
//Defines a TreePtr called Root
TreePtr Root;
//Defines a TreePtr called Current
TreePtr Current;
//Defines a TreePtr called Parent
TreePtr Parent;
My constructor is:
Root = NULL;
Current = NULL;
Parent = NULL;
Is there a way to call the destructor recursively? If not, how do I traverse through every node to delete it.
, not aNode
. And it doesn't take any parameters. So how would it know which node to destruct? – Chime