I have a date like "2016-01-01"
(YYYY-MM-DD) and I'm using as.numeric(as.POSIXct(...))
to use it as an Integer.
My question is, is there a way to add to this date a year, a month or a day ? I mean, if I add one year to 2016 it wont be the same as adding a year to 2015 (bissextile stuff).
Same as adding 32 days to January 01 wont be the same as adding 32 days to February 01 (because of number of days that may change)
I managed to have something that works for years and months but I'd like to implement days as well
how_long_is_simul <- function(lst){
greg_date = intDate_to_gregorianDate(DATE_START)
reg = "^([0-9]{4})\\-([0-9]{2})\\-([0-9]{2})$" # black-magic
splited_date = str_match(greg_date, reg)
# Manage months limit
lst$years = lst$years + floor(lst$months/12)
lst$months = lst$months%%12
# Build new date
my_vector = c(lst$years, lst$months, 0)
end_date = paste(as.numeric(splited_date[2:4]) + my_vector, collapse = "-")
# AND the vars used by the function
DATE_START <- 1451606400 # 2016-01-01 GMT
lst = list( # no days, because of bissextile years
years = 1,
months = 0
Basically what I'm doing is from a DATE_START
integer transform it into gregorian then add the months / years from lst
then rebuild a clean string and reconvert it to integer.
N.B. Conversion int <---> gregorian are done with POSIXct
I'm not sure if I explained it well, but thank you anyway :)