This works, setDataAndType method cannot seem to correctly recognize the PDF type if used via URL.
private static Intent newPDFLinkIntent(String url) {
Uri pdfURL = Uri.parse(url);
Intent pdfDownloadIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, pdfURL);
return pdfDownloadIntent ;
Unfortunately, the PDF applications I'm using don't anticipate downloading and caching the online content (some will have memory leak error, some will reject link downloading), so you'll eventually end up invoking an intent that downloads the PDF first, before opening the downloaded content via the notification link. I eventually used the solution below:
private static Intent newPDFLinkIntent(String url) {
Intent pdfDownloadIntent = null;
try {
pdfDownloadIntent = Intent.parseUri(url, Intent.URI_INTENT_SCHEME);
} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
Log.e("PDF Link Tag", e.getMessage());
return pdfDownloadIntent;