Found the problem. I've imported the StartSSL certificate incorrectly in our keystore. Also, I've specified "weblogic" as alias in the Weblogic console which is not the certificate but the public/private key pair. I'm using Portecle to edit the keystore.
When I've noticed that I was probably using the wrong alias I've changed it to the alias of the certificate. This resulted in a Weblogic error:
Inconsistent security configuration, No identity key/certificate entry was found under alias startssl-hostname in keystore keystore_StartSSL on server servername
In the end I've followed these steps to pack the certificate and private key in one PKCS#12 keystore. I've then imported that keystore into our java keystore using Portecle:
- Export the "weblogic" public/private key using Portecle as a PKCS#12 keystore.
Extract the private key from this keystore using openssl:
openssl pkcs12 -in weblogic.p12 -nocerts -out privatekey.pem
Package the certificate and private key as a PKCS#12 keystore (cert.p12
) using openssl:
openssl pkcs12 -export -in cert.cer -inkey privatekey.pem -out cert.p12 -name cert -CAfile ca.pem -caname root
Import cert.p12
file into our java keystore using Portecle using "cert" as alias.
Changed the Weblogic configuration to use the "cert" alias with the correct passphrase.
And it worked!
PS: I've added the JCE unlimited strength policy along the way since Portecle complained about this at one point.