As it says in the description. I first check our database is up to date
bin $ sudo /usr/libexec/locate.updatedb
Password: #password entered and function executed without errors
I then try and search for something inside my Documents folder
bin $ cd ~/Documents/
Documents $ ls
Mamp_workspace/ Scenarios.docx gc01/
Documents $ locate Scenarios.docx #nothing returned
I then try another random folder:
Documents $ cd ..
~ $ ls
Applications/ Movies/ drawable/ untitled-2.pdf
Desktop/ Music/ drawable-xhdpi/ untitled-2.synctex.gz
Documents/ Pictures/ dwhelper/ untitled-2.tex
Downloads/ Public/ linux_ssh* website-terminal-copy-paste
Dropbox/ Samsung/ scripts/ workspace/
Google Drive/ Sites/ untitled-2.aux workspace_copy_to_linux*
Library/ android-sdks/ untitled-2.log
~ $ locate website-terminal-copy-paste
/Users/crashandburn4/website-terminal-copy-paste #correct result returned
can anyone help me? I've been stuck on this for a good half hour or so.