On -all -inline
From the documentation:
: Causes the regular expression to be matched as many times as possible in the string, returning the total number of matches found. If this is specified with match variables, they will contain information for the last match only.
: Causes the command to return, as a list, the data that would otherwise be placed in match variables. When using -inline
, match variables may not be specified. If used with -all
, the list will be concatenated at each iteration, such that a flat list is always returned. For each match iteration, the command will append the overall match data, plus one element for each subexpression in the regular expression.
Thus to return all matches -- including captures by groups -- as a flat list in Tcl, you can write:
set matchTuples [regexp -all -inline $pattern $text]
If the pattern has groups 0…N-1
, then each match is an N
-tuple in the list. Thus the number of actual matches is the length of this list divided by N
. You can then use foreach
with N
variables to iterate over each tuple of the list.
If N = 2
for example, you have:
set numMatches [expr {[llength $matchTuples] / 2}]
foreach {group0 group1} $matchTuples {
Sample code
Here's a solution for this specific problem, annotated with output as comments (see also on ideone.com):
set text "V5CCH,IA=H'22EF&H'2354&H'4BD4&H'4C4B&H'4D52&H'4DC9"
set pattern {H'([0-9A-F]{4})}
set matchTuples [regexp -all -inline $pattern $text]
puts $matchTuples
# H'22EF 22EF H'2354 2354 H'4BD4 4BD4 H'4C4B 4C4B H'4D52 4D52 H'4DC9 4DC9
# \_________/ \_________/ \_________/ \_________/ \_________/ \_________/
# 1st match 2nd match 3rd match 4th match 5th match 6th match
puts [llength $matchTuples]
# 12
set numMatches [expr {[llength $matchTuples] / 2}]
puts $numMatches
# 6
foreach {whole hex} $matchTuples {
puts $hex
# 22EF
# 2354
# 4BD4
# 4C4B
# 4D52
# 4DC9
### On the pattern
Note that I've changed the pattern slightly:
* Instead of `[0-9A-Z]+`, e.g. `[0-9A-F]{4}` is more specific for matching exactly 4 hexadecimal digits
* If you insist on matching the `&`, then the last hex string (`H'4DC9` in your input) can not be matched
* This explains why you get `4D52` in the original script, because that's the last match with `&`
* Maybe get rid of the `&`, or use `(&|$)` instead, i.e. a `&` or the end of the string `$`.
### References
* [regular-expressions.info/Finite Repetition](http://www.regular-expressions.info/repeat.html), [Anchors](http://www.regular-expressions.info/anchors.html)
-- tcl.tk/man/tcl8.5/TclCmd/re_syntax.htm#M31 – Volney