I'm having trouble understanding the difference between partial keys/weak entities and foreign keys. I feel like an idiot for not being able to understand this stuff.
As I understand it:
Weak Entity: An entity that is dependent on another entity.
Partial Key: Specifies a key that that is only partially unique. Used for weak entities.
Foreign Key: A key that is used to establish and enforce a relation between data in different tables.
These don't seem like they're the same thing, but I'm having trouble distinguishing their uses.
Take the [very] simple example:
We have employees specified by an empid. We also have children specified by name. A
child is uniquely specified by name when the parent (employee) is known.
Would the child entity be a weak identity where the partial key is the name (partially unique)? Or should I be using a foreign key because I'm trying to establish and enforce a relation between employee and child? I feel like I can justify both, but I also feel like I'm missing something here. Any insight is appreciated, and I apologize for the stupid questions.