Currenty I have a web project with JSF 1.2 and Facelets running in tomcat I decided to upgrade the servlet container, thus i deployed in tomcat 7 and all seemed ok until we hit one view using my custome facelet functions.
javax.el.ELException: Failed to parse the expression [{pz:instanceof(object,'com.project.domain.MyClass')}]
Caused by: org.apache.el.parser.ParseException: Encountered " ":" ": "" at line 1, column 5. Was expecting one of:
"}" ...
"." ...
"[" ...
This error occurs when parsing the following code:
<ui:repeat var="object" value="#{objects}">
<ui:fragment rendered="#{pz:instanceof(object,'com.project.domain.MyClass')}">
If i understand correctly it throws an error because of the colon in the expression . I have tracked it down to the jasper-el that come with in the tomcat/lib directory, and if I replace jasper.jar and jasper-el.jar with the ones from tomcat 6.0.18 everythign works well.
Has anyone else had this problem before upgrading their tomcat? And How did they resolve it? Could I deploy in production tomcat 7 with these jasper jar from tomcat 6, or could this cause further problems.