After a lot of researching and trying out, and also asking for help, I've succeeded publishing a private Github repository using maven on Jitpack (written here).
So, currently the files that I put on the repository for Jitpack are just these:
- jitpack.yml - tells which files to use
- library-release.aar - the (obfuscated) code itself
- pom-default.xml - the dependencies and some other configurations.
The problem
While dependencies issues and the AAR file itself are fine and I can use the library, I've noticed I can't find a way to offer what I wrote there as KDoc (like JavaDocs, but for Kotlin) to whoever uses it.
What I've tried
Besides the various gradle tasks, I've also tried the simple operation of Android Studio itself to produce it. Since there is no mention of KDoc, I used Tools
->Generate JavaDocs
Sadly, it told me there are none, and indeed it was reported here.
But even if it did succeed, I wouldn't have known how to publish it together with the rest of the files.
The question
I hope it's possible, but how can I generate&public KDoc using maven on Jitpack?