Not always.
If you are using other Android Architecture components or libraries that give it good support, in most cases the DataSource.Factory will be delivered as a result of a method call like Room database does.
If you really want a very generic one and have no problem with reflection:
class GenericFactory<K, R>(private val kClass: KClass<DataSource<K, R>>) : DataSource.Factory<K, R>() {
override fun create(): DataSource<K, R> =
Your example shows a DataSource.Factory that exposes the DataSource as a LiveData. This is just necessary in specific cases, for example, when the DataSource holds a retry method for the API call. In other cases, your DataSource.Factory will be as simple as 3 more lines in your DataSource:
class MySimpleDataSource<R> : PageKeyedDataSource<String, R>() {
override fun loadBefore(params: LoadParams<String>,
callback: LoadCallback<String, R>) {
// do your thing
override fun loadAfter(params: LoadParams<String>,
callback: LoadCallback<String, R>) {
// do your thing
override fun loadInitial(params: LoadInitialParams<String>,
callback: LoadInitialCallback<String, R>) {
// do your thing
class Factory<R> : DataSource.Factory<String, R>() {
override fun create(): DataSource<String, R> = MySimpleDataSource<R>()
I guess the most common case for custom DataSource.Factory is paginated REST API calls. In this case, you may just implement one generic DataSource and one DataSource.Factory that receives the request object and response callback as a lambda.
data class MyCollection<R>(
var items: List<R>,
var nextPageToken: String
data class MyData(
var title: String = ""
abstract class SomeLibraryPagedClientRequest<R> {
abstract fun setNextPageToken(token: String?): SomeLibraryPagedClientRequest<R>
abstract fun enqueue(callback: (response: Response<R>) -> Unit): Unit
class MyRestApiDataSource(
private val request: SomeLibraryPagedClientRequest<MyData>,
private val handleResponse: (Response<R>) -> Unit
) : ItemKeyedDataSource<String, MyData>() {
var nextPageToken: String = ""
override fun getKey(item: MyData): String = nextPageToken
override fun loadBefore(params: LoadParams<String>, callback: LoadCallback<MyData>) {
override fun loadInitial(params: LoadInitialParams<String>, callback: LoadInitialCallback<MyData>) {
request.setNextPageToken(params.requestedInitialKey).enqueue { data ->
nextPageToken =
if(response.isSucefull) callback.onResult(
override fun loadAfter(params: LoadParams<String>, callback: LoadCallback<MyData>) {
request.setNextPageToken(params.key).enqueue { response ->
nextPageToken =
if(response.isSucefull) callback.onResult(
class Factory<R>(
private val request: SomeLibraryPagedClientRequest<MyData>,
private val handleResponse: (Response<R>) -> Unit
) : DataSource.Factory<String, R>() {
override fun create(): DataSource<String, R> = MySimpleDataSource<R>()