The nice thing about standards is that there are so many of them to choose
Andrew S. Tanenbaum.
...along with definitions of referential transparency:
...for various other definitions, see Referential Transparency, Definiteness and Unfoldability by Harald Søndergaard and Peter Sestoft.
Instead, we'll begin with the concept of "purity". For the three of you who didn't know it already, the computer or device you're reading this on is a solid-state Turing machine, a model of computing intrinsically connected with effects. So every program, functional or otherwise, needs to use those effects To Get Things DoneTM.
What does this mean for purity? At the assembly-language level, which is the domain of the CPU, all programs are impure. If you're writing a program in assembly language, you're the one who is micro-managing the interplay between all those effects - and it's really tedious!
Most of the time, you're just instructing the CPU to move data around in the computer's memory, which only changes the contents of individual memory locations - nothing to see there! It's only when your instructions direct the CPU to e.g. write to video memory, that you observe a visible change (text appearing on the screen).
For our purposes here, we'll split effects into two coarse categories:
- those involving I/O devices like screens, speakers, printers, VR-headsets, keyboards, mice, etc; commonly known as observable effects.
- and the rest, which only ever change the contents of memory.
In this situation, purity just means the absence of those observable effects, the ones which cause a visible change to the environment of the running program, maybe even its host computer. It is definitely not the absence of all effects, otherwise we would have to replace our solid-state Turing machines!
Now for the question of 42 life, the Universe and everything what exactly is meant by the term "referential transparency" - instead of herding cats trying to bring theorists into agreement, let's just try to find the original meaning given to the term. Fortunately for us, the term frequently appears in the context of I/O in Haskell - we only need a relevant's one: from the first page of Owen Stephen's Approaches to Functional I/O:
Referential transparency refers to the ability to replace a sub-expression with one of equal value, without changing the value of the outer expression. Originating from Quine the term was introduced to Computer Science by Strachey.
Following the references:
Following that reference:
Let's try to bring all that together:
- Whitehead and Russell introduce the term "transparent";
- Quine then defines the qualified term "referential transparency";
- Strachey then adapts Quine's definition in defining the basics of programming languages.
So it's a choice between Quine's original or Strachey's adapted definition. You can try translating Quine's definition for yourself if you like - everyone who's ever contested the definition of "purely functional" might even enjoy the chance to debate something different like what "mode of containment" and "purely referential" really means...have fun! The rest of us will just accept that Strachey's definition is a little vague ("In essence [...]") and continue on:
One useful property of expressions is referential transparency. In essence this means that if we wish to find the value of an expression which contains a sub-expression,
the only thing we need to know about the sub-expression is its value. Any other features of the sub-expression, such as its internal structure, the number and nature of
its components, the order in which they are evaluated or the colour of the ink in which they are written, are irrelevant to the value of the main expression.
(emphasis by me.)
Regarding that description ("that if we wish to find the value of [...]"), a similar, but more concise statement is given by Peter Landin in The Next 700 Programming Languages:
the thing an expression denotes, i.e., its "value", depends only on the values of its sub-expressions, not on other properties of them.
One useful property of expressions is referential transparency. In essence this means the thing an expression denotes, i.e., its "value", depends only on the values of its sub-expressions, not on other properties of them.
Strachey provides some examples:
(page 12 of 39)
We tend to assume automatically that the symbol x in an expression such as 3x2 + 2x + 17 stands for the same thing (or has the same value) on each occasion it occurs. This is the most important consequence of referential transparency and it is only in virtue of this property that we can use the where-clauses or λ-expressions described in the last section.
(and on page 16)
When the function is used (or called or applied) we write f[ε] where ε can be an expression. If we are using a referentially transparent language all we require to know about the expression ε in order to evaluate f[ε] is its value.
So referential transparency, by Strachey's original definition, implies purity - in the absence of an order of evaluation, observable and other effects are practically useless...