I am rendering a point based terrain from loaded heightmap data - but the points change their texturing depending on where the camera position is. To demonstrate the bug (and the fact that this isnt occuring from a z-buffering problem) I have taken screenshots with the points rendered at a fixed 5 pixel size from very slightly different camera positions (same angle), shown bellow:
PS: The images are large enough if you drag them into a new tab, didn't realise stack would scale them down this much.
State 1:
State 2:
The code to generate points is relatively simple so I'm posting this merely to rule out the option - mapArray is a single dimensional float array and copied to a VBO:
for(j = 0; j < mHeight; j++)
for(i = 0; i < mWidth; i++)
height = bitmapImage[k];
mapArray[k++] = 5 * i;
mapArray[k++] = height;
mapArray[k++] = 5 * j;
I find it more likely that I need to adjust my fragment shader because I'm not great with shaders- although I'm unsure where I could have gone wrong with such simple code and guess it's probably just not fit for purpose (with point based rendering). Bellow is my frag shader:
in varying vec2 TexCoordA;
uniform sampler2D myTextureSampler;
void main(){
gl_FragColor = texture2D(myTextureSampler, TexCoordA.st) * gl_Color;
Edit (requested info): OpenGL version 4.4 no texture flags used.
TexCoordA is passed into the shader directly from my Vertex shader with no alterations at all. Self calculated UV's using this:
float* UVs = new float[mNumberPoints * 2];
k = 0;
for(j = 0; j < mHeight; j++)
for(i = 0; i < mWidth; i++)
UVs[k++] = (1.0f/(float)mWidth) * i;
UVs[k++] = (1.0f/(float)mHeight) * j;
interpolation qualifier for your texture coordinates (flat varying vec2 TexCoordA
) to use the same texture coordinate at every pixel in your rasterized point in the fragment shader. If you combine that with some function to snap the coordinate to an integer location you just might get some more consistent behavior.flat
interpolation is only supported by GLSL 1.40 / GPU_shader_4 though, so a function to snap the coordinates to an integer may be necessary. – Metronome