I'm working on a Catalyst/psgi application that would make great use of asychronous streaming, however beyond a simple timer (like here: http://www.catalystframework.org/calendar/2013/13), I'm a little stumped on how to implement more "global" events.
By global events, I mean things like:
- a periodic timer that is the same for all clients
- the visit to a given page by a single client (but updates all clients)
- a file stat watcher that will update all clients when a file changes.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but to me these all seem very different from the example linked above, which will give each client a different counter. I would like to have events that happen "across the board."
An example of what I've tried (using #2 from my list above):
has 'write_fh' => ( is => 'rw', predicate => 'has_write_fh' );
sub events : Path('/stream') Args(0) {
my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
$self->write_fh( $c->res->write_fh() );
sub trigger : Path('/trigger') : Args(0) {
my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
$self->write_fh->write( *the event string* );
When I run this, it actually gets further than I would expect - the event does get triggered, but unreliably. With two browsers open, sometimes the event is sent to one, and sometimes to the other.
Now, I think I understand why this would never work - the client who hits /trigger, has no knowledge of all the other clients who are watching /stream, and so the write_fh I'm trying to use is not useful.
But if each client's request is in its own contained bubble, how am I to access their stream from some other request?
Or am I completely on the wrong track...?