It surprises me that Swift 2 (as of beta 2) does not address this. Here's an example of a workaround approach for now:
enum TestAssociatedValue {
case One(Int)
case Two(String)
case Three(AnyObject)
func associatedValue() -> Any {
switch self {
case .One(let value):
return value
case .Two(let value):
return value
case .Three(let value):
return value
let one = TestAssociatedValue.One(1)
let oneValue = one.associatedValue() // 1
let two = TestAssociatedValue.Two("two")
let twoValue = two.associatedValue() // two
class ThreeClass {
let someValue = "Hello world!"
let three = TestMixed.Three(ThreeClass())
let threeValue = three. associatedValue() as! ThreeClass
If your enum mixes cases with and without associated values, you'll need to make the return type an optional. You could also return literals for some cases (that do not have associated values), mimicking raw-value typed enums. And you could even return the enum value itself for non-associated, non-raw-type cases. For example:
enum TestMixed {
case One(Int)
case Two(String)
case Three(AnyObject)
case Four
case Five
func value() -> Any? {
switch self {
case .One(let value):
return value
case .Two(let value):
return value
case .Three(let value):
return value
case .Four:
return 4
case .Five:
return TestMixed.Five
let one = TestMixed.One(1)
let oneValue = one.value() // 1
let two = TestMixed.Two("two")
let twoValue = two.value() // two
class ThreeClass {
let someValue = "Hello world!"
let three = TestMixed.Three(ThreeClass())
let threeValue = three.value() as! ThreeClass
let four = TestMixed.Four
let fourValue = four.value() // 4
let five = TestMixed.Five
let fiveValue = five.value() as! TestMixed
switch fiveValue {
case TestMixed.Five:
print("It is")
print("It's not")
// Prints "It is"
fund getInt() -> Int? { switch self{ case .int(let n) : return n default: return nil ...
– Ditchwater