I have a sample plist-file, favCities.plist. This is my sample code:
override func viewDidLoad() {
let path = NSBundle.mainBundle().pathForResource("favCities", ofType: "plist")
var plistArray = NSArray(contentsOfFile: path) as [Dictionary<String, String>]
var addDic: Dictionary = ["ZMV": "TEST", "Name": "TEST", "Country": "TEST"]
plistArray += addDic
(plistArray as NSArray).writeToFile(path, atomically: true)
var plistArray2 = NSArray(contentsOfFile: path)
for tempDict1 in plistArray2 {
var tempDict2: NSDictionary = tempDict1 as NSDictionary
var cityName: String = tempDict2.valueForKey("Name") as String
var cityZMV: String = tempDict2.valueForKey("ZMV") as String
var cityCountry: String = tempDict2.valueForKey("Country") as String
println("City: \(cityName), ZMV: \(cityZMV), Country: \(cityCountry)")
At first glance, everything works well. The output looks like this:
City: Moscow, ZMV: 00000.1.27612, Country: RU
City: New York, ZMV: 10001.5.99999, Country: US
City: TEST, ZMV: TEST, Country: TEST
But when I interrupt the app, I see that my file favCities.plist has not changed. There are still two values. These values - City: TEST, ZMV: TEST, Country: TEST
- were not added. If I restarted the application, then again I see 3 lines of output, although there should be 4.
What is wrong?
I was changed code to this:
override func viewDidLoad() {
let fileManager = (NSFileManager.defaultManager())
let directorys : [String]? = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSSearchPathDirectory.DocumentDirectory,NSSearchPathDomainMask.AllDomainsMask, true) as? [String]
if (directorys! != nil){
let directories:[String] = directorys!;
let dictionary = directories[0];
let plistfile = "favCities.plist"
let plistpath = dictionary.stringByAppendingPathComponent(plistfile);
var plistArray = NSArray(contentsOfFile: plistpath) as [Dictionary<String, String>]
var addDic: Dictionary = ["ZMV": "TEST", "Name": "TEST", "Country": "TEST"]
plistArray += addDic
(plistArray as NSArray).writeToFile(plistpath, atomically: false)
var plistArray2 = NSArray(contentsOfFile: plistpath)
for tempDict1 in plistArray2 {
var tempDict2: NSDictionary = tempDict1 as NSDictionary
var cityName: String = tempDict2.valueForKey("Name") as String
var cityZMV: String = tempDict2.valueForKey("ZMV") as String
var cityCountry: String = tempDict2.valueForKey("Country") as String
println("City: \(cityName), ZMV: \(cityZMV), Country: \(cityCountry)")
else {
Now when you run the application the number of rows in the output increases:
City: Moscow, ZMV: 00000.1.27612, Country: RU
City: New York, ZMV: 10001.5.99999, Country: US
City: TEST, ZMV: TEST, Country: TEST
City: TEST, ZMV: TEST, Country: TEST
BUT! If view the file favCities.plist, which is located in the project folder (Project Navigator in Xcode), it still remains unchanged - there are two lines!
If walk along the path, which is stored in the variable plistpath
- /Users/admin/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/55FD9B7F-78F6-47E2-9874-AF30A21CD4A6/data/Containers/Data/Application/DEE6C3C8-6A44-4255-9A87-2CEF6082A63A/Documents/
Then there is one more file favCities.plist. It contains all the changes that make the application. What am I doing wrong? How can I see all the changes in a file that is located in the project folder (Project Navigator)?
, and you will see it failed. because files in main bundle are readonly – Porphyritic