I am trying to cover status bar with my own view and to do that I calculcate frame for my view by doing something like that (also after rotation):
UIScreen *screen = [UIScreen mainScreen];
CGRect statusBarFrame = [UIApplication sharedApplication].statusBarFrame;
For iOS8+ (because since ios8 UIScreen
is orientantion-dependant):
CGRect frame = [screen.coordinateSpace convertRect:statusBarFrame toCoordinateSpace:screen.fixedCoordinateSpace];
[self setFrame:frame];
For iOS7:
[self setFrame:statusBarFrame];
It works just fine for iOS8 and below but when building my app with Xcode 7 beta 4 and iOS 9 SDK something is wrong when starting app in landscape or upsidedown (it works fine if app starts in portrait) ...
ie. when I start the app while Upsidedown the custom uiwindow which should cover status bar will always end up at the bottom side of screen, any ideas what might be wrong?