Suppose I'd like to traverse case class generic representation as described here
I've defined some typeclass to describe fields:
trait Described[X] extends (X => String)
object Described{
def apply[X](x: X)(implicit desc: Described[X]) = desc(x)
Defined some instance:
implicit object DoubleDescribed extends Described[Double]{
def apply(x: Double) = x.formatted("%01.3f")
And general user:
import shapeless._
import shapeless.labelled.FieldType
import shapeless.ops.hlist.LeftFolder
object DescrFolder extends Poly2{
implicit def field[X, S <: Symbol](implicit desc: Described[X],
witness: Witness.Aux[S]):
Case.Aux[Seq[String], FieldType[S, X], Seq[String]] =
at[Seq[String], FieldType[S, X]](
(descrs, value) => descrs :+ f"${}: ${desc(value)}")
def describe[T <: Product, Repr <: HList](struct: T)
(implicit lgen: LabelledGeneric.Aux[T,Repr],
folder: LeftFolder.Aux[Repr, Seq[String], DescrFolder.type, Seq[String]]
): String = {
val repr =
val descrs = folder(repr,Vector())
descrs.mkString(struct.productPrefix + "{", ",", "}")
So now i could write
case class Point(x: Double, y: Double, z: Double)
and get
res1: String = Point{x: 1,000,y: 2,000,z: 3,000}
Now i'd like to define some field metadata using shapeless
import tag._
trait Invisible
val invisible = tag[Invisible]
implicit def invisibleDescribed[X](implicit desc: Described[X])
: Described[X @@ Invisible] =
new Described[X @@ Invisible]{
def apply(x: X @@ Invisible) = desc(x: X) + "[invisible]"
so Described(invisible(0.5))
now succesfully produces
res2: String = 0,500[invisible]
But with redefined
case class Point(x: Double, y: Double, z: Double @@ Invisible)
yields compilation error:
Error: diverging implicit expansion for type
starting with methodinvisibleDescribed
in class ...
I presume that type X with Tag[Y] with KeyTag[K,X]
is not identifying as FieldType[S, X]
but could not guess how to fix it.
How could one define proper LeftFolder
for such situation?