Im having some issues styling my MKAnnotation
callout bubble. Originally I had a standard callout that consisted of just a title, subtitle and leftCalloutAccessoryView
. This created the following callout:
This worked fine until it was decided that the subtitle should also contain a series of five images that show the business's average ratting among user reviews. This was done by creating a separate view and passing it as the detailCalloutAccessoryView
. This produced the following callout bubble:
For some reason when the view is passed to the detailCalloutAccessoryView
the callout view is given a weird border around all UI components that create unwanted whitespace around the leftCalloutAccessoryView
and between the title and subtitle. How can I remove this white space? I want the business's average ratting inside the subtitle and proper spacing between the title and detailCalloutAccessoryView
. How can this be achieved? Is it possible to do so without creating the callout
from scratch?
which you have created for callout? – Isopod