I have a code as below :
headers = {'content-type': 'ContentType.APPLICATION_XML'}
uri = "www.client.url.com/hit-here/"
clientCert = "path/to/cert/abc.crt"
clientKey = "path/to/key/abc.key"
context = ssl.SSLContext(PROTOCOL)
context.load_cert_chain(clientCert, clientKey)
conn = httplib.HTTPSConnection(uri, some_port, context=context)
I am not really a network programmer, so i did some googling for handshake connection and found ssl.SSLContext(PROTOCOL)
as the needed function, code works fine.
Then i hit the roadblock, my local has version 2.7.10 but all the production boxes have 2.7.3 with them, so SSLContext
is not supported and upgrading python version is not an option / in control.
I tried reading ssl — SSL wrapper for socket objects but couldn't make sense out of it.
what i tried (in vain) :
s_ = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s = ssl.wrap_socket(s_, keyfile=clientKey, certfile=clientCert, cert_reqs=ssl.CERT_REQUIRED)
new_conn = s.connect((uri, some_port))
but returns :
SSLError(1, u'[SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed (_ssl.c:590)')
Question - how to generate SSL Context on older version so as to have a secure https connection?