How do I use react-meteor-data with Typescript?
I'm just getting going on a new project and would like to use Meteor.
According to what I've been reading (link) the recommendation seems to be to use React with Meteor for new projects. Great I wanted to learn React anyway.
And since I'm a Java programmer, I'd really like to use Typescript.
But I'm having a lot of trouble with this trio of technologies.
Specifically, how do I hook up react components to meteor containers?
I believe I'm supposed to use react-meteor-data but if I run
typings search meteor add react-meteor-data
I find nothing.
Where do I go from here?
What I would really like is for the Todo App with React tutorial to be rewritten by someone for use with Typescript. That would make my life a lot easier. Any takers?
? – Radcliff