I'm doing a google mock test for my code and I get this error when I run the test. Specifically, when I comment out the default constructor of my mock then the error vanishes. I want to understand why this happens.
Here is an example of my code:
In my mock.hpp:
struct MockWidget
typedef ::testing::NiceMock<MockWidget> NiceMockWidget;
In my mock.cpp:
MockWidget *pMockWidget = nullptr;
poMockWidget = this;
poMockWidget = nullptr;
In my test.cpp:
class WidgetTest : public::testing::Test
//some code here
NiceMockWidget mockWidget;
Test(WidgetTest, Test01)
//some code here
Now even if my Test01 test does not use mockWidget I get the error stated in the title. If I remove the constructor definition and declaration the error is gone. Any help? Thanks!