I'm trying to set up Cypress tests written in ClojureScript for a project that uses lein-cljsbuild
. Using the following configuration, I'm able to compile a single test namespace into a single .js
{:builds [{:id "cypress"
:source-paths ["test/cypress"]
:compiler {:optimizations :simple
:main "specs.login-spec"
:output-to "cypress/integration/login_spec.js"
:output-dir "test-resources/cypress/js/build/"}}]}
The above works fine and executes in Cypress correctly.
Now I want to scale it. Here are my requirements:
- have multiple specs written in ClojureScript:
, and so on (I expect to have tens of those). - I want Cypress to recognize them as separate test suites (so that, for instance, I can execute them independently). This means each ClojureScript test namespace has to end up in a separate JS file that is standalone, i.e. doesn't depend on any other JS file.
- I want to be able to compile all specs reasonably fast.
- I want source watching to be available as it is with a simple setup, i.e.
lein cljsbuild auto …
should still work, and use incremental building.
How do I accomplish that?
The most naive approach would be to specify one build plan for each spec. But that would mean that for N specs, I'd need to run compilation N times. That would be very slow.
The only other idea that popped to my head was ClojureScript modules, but the following setup emits empty files:
{:id "cypress"
:source-paths ["test/cypress"]
:compiler {:optimizations :simple
:output-dir "test-resources/cypress/js/build/"
:modules {:m1 {:output-to "cypress/integration/login_spec.js"
:entries #{"specs.login-spec"}}
:m2 {:output-to "cypress/integration/checkout_spec.js"
:entries #{"specs.checkout-spec"}}}}}
My spec files are very simple right now - and individually, they compile and run in Cypress just fine. Example:
(ns specs.login-spec
(:require [tools.commands]
[tools.interop :refer [cy describe it]]))
(describe "Lorem" (fn []
(describe "Ipsum" (fn []
(it "Blah!" (fn []
(-> cy
for the Cypress CLJS build based on a hardcoded llist of spec files. This way I get a JS file per one spec file. But I need to remember to change the hardcoded list anytime I add or remove a spec file. – Parity