I want to test logic of my build.gradle script.
Excerpt of the script would be:
(...other tasks and methods...)
def readCustomerFile(File file) {
def schema = <prepare schema>
def report = schema.validate(JsonLoader.fromFile(file))
if (!report.success) {
throw new GradleException("File is not valid! " + report.toString())
return new groovy.json.JsonSlurper().parse(file)
task readFiles {
mustRunAfter 'prepareCustomerProject'
doLast {
project.ext.customerFileData = readCustomerFile(System.env.CUSTOMER_FILE_OVERRIDE)
else if (customerFile.exists()) {
project.ext.customerFileData = readCustomerFile(customerFile)
else {
throw new GradleException("Customer File is not provided! It is expected to be in CUSTOMER_FILE_OVERRIDE variable or in ${customerFile}")
(...other tasks and methods...)
I would like to test both method and task itself.
The 'prepareProject' task is quite lengthy in execution, but in 'real' setup it does magic necessary to set properties necessary for not only task above.
For testing I only want to e.g. set run readFiles task and validate results, making sure that either property on project was correctly set or exception was thrown.
I have looked into gradle test kit, but it is not what I need, as I was unable to find anything that would allow me to e.g. inspect project.
I have seen Guide for Testing Gradle Scripts, but this post is quite old and does not address my need / problem. I have also had a look at gradle docs Testing Build Logic with TestKit, but looking GradleRunner does not seem to offer any real inspection or project preparing abilities.
Plus, it would make us use jUnit, effectively adding whole classes structure only for testing purposes. Not clean and hard to maintain.
Googling gradle + test + task and other variations finds tons of ways of running xUnit tests, but that's not what I need here.
Summarizing, what I need is:
- test gradle tasks and methods from build.gradle in separation (test kit will run task with all its dependencies, I don't want this)
- prepare project before test run (test kit does not seem to allow this)
- verify task / method output
Has anyone successfully done this?
Or am I approaching this in a wrong way?
I'm fairly new to gradle, searching for good options to test my build scripts.