I am trying to implement nsurlconnectiondatadelegate as I need to support async mode - in synchronous mode redirects are followed automatically which I do not want.
For reference I have the code working in synchronous mode with urlRequest etc.
The problem is I can not get FPC/Lazarus to compile my code.
Code snippets
{$mode objfpc}
{$modeswitch objectivec1}
{$modeswitch objectivec2}
// We need to implement support for NSURLConnectionDelegate and NSURLConnectionDataDelegate
TmsMacRequestDelegate = objcclass(NSObject)
// this will set flag when done
procedure connectionDidFinishLoading(ANSUC: NSURLConnection); message onnectionDidFinishLoading:'; override;
// ... implement rest?
requestDelegate := TmsMacRequestDelegate.alloc.init;
urlConnection := NSURLConnection.connectionWithRequest_delegate(urlRequest, requestDelegate);
// ... setup flag
// ... wait here in loop checking flag set by "finish loading"
With the above, initial testing seems going-not-so-well. We reach urlConnection.start; but connectionDidFinishLoading never gets called. My theory is that it may be because we do not fully implement the delegate. However, doing so gives me other problems - here is declaration:
TmsMacRequestDelegate = objcclass(NSObject)
procedure connectionDidFinishLoading(ANSUC: NSURLConnection); message 'connectionDidFinishLoading:'; override;
procedure connection(ANSUC: NSURLConnection; didReceive: NSURLResponse); message 'connection::';
procedure connection(ANSUC: NSURLConnection; didReceive: NSData); message 'connection::';
procedure connection(ANSUC: NSURLConnection; didSendBodyData: Integer; totalBytesWritten: Integer; totalBytesExpectedToWrite: Integer); message 'connection::::';
procedure connection(ANSUC: NSURLConnection; willSend: NSURLRequest; redirectResponse: PNSURLResponse); message 'connection:::';
procedure connection(ANSUC: NSURLConnection; willCacheResponse: NSCachedURLResponse); message 'connection::';
- In one function I have translated NSURLResponse? as a pointer to NSURLResponse... But not sure what is correct here?
- Compiler complains that I have to add "override" on my first function (although none of the functions are implemented in NSObject?) with this message:
Error: Inherited methods can only be overridden in Objective-C and Java, add "override" (inherited method defined in NSURLConnectionDelegateCategory
- If I add "override" like suggested I get:
Error: :219:1: error: invalid symbol redefinition
Error: "-TmsMacRequestDeletegate connection::]":
Error: ^