I'd like to use the Pure.css module in an Angular library created with the CLI generate library
I have a workspace app in which I have ran the generate library
command to create the library. The library was successfully created and I was able to link it and install it in a different project. However I would like to use the grid system from the Pure.css library, in the angular.json file of the workspace app (the one containing the library), I have the styles entry in the build configuration of the library project like.
"styles": [
and in one the library's components I have a markup that uses the Pure.css rules like
<div class="pure-g">
<div class="pure-u-1-3"><p>Thirds</p></div>
<div class="pure-u-1-3"><p>Thirds</p></div>
<div class="pure-u-1-3"><p>Thirds</p></div>
But when I use the component in the external project it is clear that the styles are not being applied.
So I have imported the Pure.css styles files in the .css file of the respective component, like
@import url("node_modules/purecss/build/pure-min.css");
@import url("node_modules/purecss/build/grids-responsive-min.css");
this works, but I would like the styles from the Pure.css library to be included in the whole library instead with one component.
Is there a way to achieve this, I have done some search but could not find any resources, is it possible to maybe configure the ng-packagr
to include the styles in the build of the library?
I am building the library from the containing workspace project using a script defined in the package.json
file like
"build:lib": "ng-packagr -p projects/my-library-project/package.json"
And how would I install third party modules to the library project in general, do I install them via the workspace project?
Any assistance is appreciated, thanks.
? – Dimitri