I'm trying to implement the forgot password flow with key-cloak and was able to do it with key-cloak admin UI. But now I want to do this reset flow completely inside the web application without forwarding the user to key-cloak. By observing the reset token (action token) sent to the email it shows it has attributes such as type and expiry.
"jti": "xx",
"exp": 1553850003,
"nbf": 0,
"iat": 1553846403,
"iss": "xxx",
"aud": "xxx",
"sub": "6eabb442-d40d-4857-8b8f-xxx",
"typ": "reset-credentials",
"nonce": "xxx",
"asid": "xxxx"
The admin Api provides an api to reset password but I cannot find an api to obtain an action token/forgot password api. Would be much obliged if I could know how to approach this workflow with key-cloak admin.