I am using spring cloud dataflow and have created a spring cloud task which contains a job. This job has a parameter called last_modified_date, which is optional. In the code, I have specified which date to take in case last_modified_date is null, that is, it has not been passed as a parameter. The issue is that if for one instance of the job I pass the last_modified_date but for the next one I don't, it picks up the one in the last execution rather than passing it as null and getting it from the code.
public class SalesforceAdvertiserLoadTasklet implements Tasklet {
protected Date lastModifiedDate;
private static final Logger logger =
public RepeatStatus execute(StepContribution contribution, ChunkContext chunkContext)
throws Exception {
if(lastModifiedDate == null) {
lastModifiedDate =
logger.info("In Method: runSalesforceAdvertiserLoadJob launch started on last_modified_date {}",
logger.info("Getting advertisers from SalesForce");
try {
} catch (JsonSyntaxException | IOException | ParseException e) {
logger.error("ERROR--> {}", e.getMessage());
return RepeatStatus.FINISHED;
public JobParametersIncrementer runIdIncrementor() {
return new RunIdIncrementer();
public Job salesforceAdvertiserLoadJob() {
return jobBuilderFactory.get(SalesforceJobName.salesforceAdvertiserLoadJob.name())
Is there a way I can stop the new job instance from taking parameters from the previous job instance?
come from initially? – Lawana