I am struggling with trying to include ads from google admanager -aka DFP- (not admob).
I have found this package: "flutter_google_ad_manager 0.10.1" https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_google_ad_manager
However, digging into the package's code, it seems to use a PlatfromView that uses a native plugin to display ads on Android and iOS.
I found this comment on https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/12114 that discourages the use of PlatfromViews to display ads in flutter:
"Note that because Flutter's AndroidView and UiKitView rely on low-level manipulation of platform UI components, it's almost guaranteed that they will interact with the Google Mobile Ads SDK in ways the mobile ads engineering team have not anticipated and do not test for. Even if the approach looks like it's working right now, it's likely to run into issues with MRAID functionality, JS code included in the creatives, and impression and click measurement. The last of those is particularly important, since abnormalities in impression and click stats can result in suspension of accounts.While we work on these issues with the relevant parties we highly recommend using the Flutter team's firebase_admob plugin, and discourage using plugins that do use platform views to embed AdMob ads."
So, what should I do? Is there anyway to display DFP ads with flutter?