I have a website that is written use static html pages. It contains many URLs containing subdirectories like this:
https://www.example.com/product1/order.htm https://www.example.com/product1/error/error1.htm
Now I want to create a new website via WordPress and transfer all contents from the old website to the new one.
So I wonder what is the best practice to process all these URLs with subfolders.
Should I:
- Keep the subfolders by using parent/child pages, like this:
https://www.example.com/product1/order.htm -> https://www.example.com/product1/order/ https://www.example.com/product1/error/error1.htm -> https://www.example.com/product1/error/error1/
- Remove all subfolders, and chaning all URLs like this:
https://www.example.com/product1/order.htm -> https://www.example.com/product1-order/ https://www.example.com/product1/error/error1.htm -> https://www.example.com/product1-error-error1/
Or using other methods?
With the hint of others, I get to know there are categories in WordPress. I search online and find the following URLs:
https://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-tutorials/seo-friendly-url-structure-for-wordpress/ https://www.wpbeginner.com/beginners-guide/categories-vs-tags-seo-best-practices-which-one-is-better/
So it seems using categories is a good practice to keep a hierarchy structure in WordPress. Is that correct?
Update 2
I have a question. In traiditional websites, for a product, normally the home page is https://www.example.com/product1/ , while the additonal pages such as https://www.example.com/product1/order.htm are put under the "product1" subfolder. Now in WordPress, their URLs should be:
URL1: https://www.example.com/product1/ ->(Unchanged) https://www.example.com/product1/
URL2: https://www.example.com/product1/order.htm -> https://www.example.com/product1/order/
In such a case, whether should I set product1 as a postname(for URL1) or a category(for URL2)?