I am trying to adapt a project to .net5 and want to use the new feature of adding an OpenAPI service reference. As far as I understand it, NSwag will be used to generate the client. I already used NSwag for this purpose in the past and I could use the clientBaseInterface option to specify the base interface of the client interface, i.e.
interface IClient: **IClientBase** {}
class Client: IClient {}
see also https://github.com/RicoSuter/NSwag/issues/2772.
I tried to use the following configuration for my .net5 project but no base interface will be specified for the generated types:
<OpenApiReference Include="openapi.json" CodeGenerator="NSwagCSharp" Namespace="MyNamespace">
<Options>/GenerateClientInterfaces:true /UseBaseUrl:false /ExceptionClass:OpenApiException /ClientBaseInterface:MyBaseInterface</Options>
Does anybody know how this option can be used out of the .net project file?
Update: Since NSwag is creating partial classes and interfaces, a simple workaround is to just add the IClientBase interface in the partial interface, i.e.
// partial extension
partial interface IClient : **IClientBase** {}
// generated code
partial interface IClient {}
partial class Client: IClient {}
However, it still would be interesting to find out if we can manage this directly in the .net project file.