I built a Capacitor plugin for Ionic and Capacitor and published it to NPM - call it test1
. I then use it in my Ionic 5 project and successfully add a new Android project via:
ionic build
ionic cap add android
ionic cap sync
Tested it and it works. I then try and add an iOS via:
ionic build
ionic cap add ios
I then get the following error:
`[!] No podspec found for `Test1` in `../../node_modules/test1```
And it fails. I can't figure out why as there is a Test1Plugin.podspec
file in the root with relevant dependencies and an ios/Podfile
with relevant dependencies. I also ensure both files are published to npm.
I tried changing the name of the .podspec
file to Test1.podspec
but it's the exact same issue.
I'm pretty stumped and hoping someone has some pointers as i've been on this for a while and tried everything.