Good morning all,
I am trying to load a .pbf file using the pyrosm library's documentation.
My code below.
import pyrosm
# Get filepath to test PBF dataset
fp = pyrosm.get_data("wisconsin")
# Initialize the OSM object
osm = pyrosm.OSM(fp)
nodes, edges = osm.get_network(nodes=True)
print(f"Nodes {nodes} and edges {edges}")
I get the following error which seems to come from the library itself.
TypeError: Input must be valid geometry objects: MULTILINESTRING ((-89.5 44.5, -89.5 44.5), (-89.5 44.5, -89.5 44.5), (-89.5 44.5, -89.5 44.5), (-89.5 44.5, -89.5 44.5), (-89.5 44.5, -89.5 44.5))
Has anyone faced this issue before?
Thanks a lot