Am I misunderstanding something about or misconfiguring babel/preset-env
I'm using babel configs for vite using vitejs/plugin-legacy
, but for AstroJS project.
plugins: [
targets: ['defaults', 'not IE 11', 'ios_saf > 10']
From my understanding, simply specifying the browserslist query should be enough for babel to generate the appropriate polyfills:
We leverage these data sources to maintain mappings of which version of our supported target environments gained support of a JavaScript syntax or browser feature, as well as a mapping of those syntaxes and features to Babel transform plugins and core-js polyfills.
If Object.fromEntries
is not supported in ios_saf < 12
but is part of the ECMA 2019, why does my test browser (which is ios_saf 11) raise an error for this function?
useBuiltIns: "usage"
this function remains as it is. – Iconolatry