I'm trying to upgrade older version project to support SDK 33
and getting this error while compile.
error: ComponentProcessingStep was unable to process 'com.irokotv.dagger.AppComponent' because 'com.chuckerteam.chucker.api.ChuckerInterceptor' could not be resolved.
Dependency trace:
=> element (CLASS): com.irokotv.logic.dagger.ApiModule
=> element (METHOD): getClient(okhttp3.Interceptor,com.chuckerteam.chucker.api.ChuckerInterceptor)
=> type (EXECUTABLE method): (okhttp3.Interceptor,com.chuckerteam.chucker.api.ChuckerInterceptor)okhttp3.OkHttpClient
=> type (ERROR parameter type): com.chuckerteam.chucker.api.ChuckerInterceptor
If type 'com.chuckerteam.chucker.api.ChuckerInterceptor' is a generated type, check above for compilation errors that may have prevented the type from being generated. Otherwise, ensure that type 'com.chuckerteam.chucker.api.ChuckerInterceptor' is on your classpath.
I have update
kotlin 1.3.72
to 1.7.10
dagger 2.27
to 2.48
tools.build:gradle 4.0.1
to 7.4.2
gradle-wrapper.properties 6.5
to 7.6
What I've tried:
In old project chunk library used with version
debugApi "com.readystatesoftware.chuck:library:1.1.0"
releaseApi "com.readystatesoftware.chuck:library-no-op:1.1.0"
I tried to change with com.github.ChuckerTeam.Chucker
found in one of the solution but it didn't work for me.
latest version of this library is 4.0.0
but I can't upgrade to very latest because it required kotlin 1.8.0
version and this project used viewBinding so I can't upgrade kotlin version to latest.
debugImplementation "com.github.ChuckerTeam.Chucker:library:3.5.2"
releaseImplementation "com.github.ChuckerTeam.Chucker:library-no-op:3.5.2"
Now I'm stuck with the versions. It seems that the problem is somewhere in components or modules connection or gradle version. I need help.