Lemme begin by giving a basic description of the code I have. I start off with a main parent process (NOTE: I am not showing all functions for simplicity. Let me know if you need me to expand at any point):
pcntl_signal(SIGHUP, array('forker', 'restartSignalHandler'));
new Forker();
class Forker {
private $active_forks = array();
private $parent_pid = null;
public function __construct(){
$this->parent_pid = getmypid();
public function wait_for_active(){
foreach($this->active_forks as $k=>$fork){
// Pseudo code
public function fork_no_longer_running($pid){
// return true if 'ps -elf | grep $pid' doesn't returns only the grep command
// else return false (aka the fork is still running)
public function create_fork(){
$pid = pcntl_fork();
if($pid == -1){
posix_kill($this->parent_pid, SIGTERM);
} else if($pid){
// add the pid to the current fork
$this->active_forks[] = $pid;
} else {
// Run our process
pcntl_exec('/usr/bin/php', array('/domain/dev/www/index.php','holder','process'));
public function restartSignalHandler(){
$forks = $this->active_forks;
foreach($forks as $pid){
posix_kill($pid, SIGINT);
class holder {
public function process(){
$x = new Processor();
class Processor {
public function __construct(){
pcntl_signal(SIGINT, array($this, "shutdownSignalHandler"));
public function shutdownSignalHandler(){
echo "Shutting down";
Here is what is happening:
- I start my script and I properly get the processes (e.g. Parentpid:2, childpid:3)
- I then send the parent a SIGHUP signal and it properly kills and starts a new child process (e.g. Parentpid: 2, childpid:4)
- I then send the parent a 2nd SIGHUP signal and it properly tries and adds a new child process, but it refuses to kill the 2nd childpid. (e.g. Parentpid:2, undyingchildpid:4, newchildpid:5)
Lemme know if that needs more details/doesn't make sense. I can't figure out why the first time it would properly kill the children, but the 2nd time it doesn't.
The even WEIRDER part is that when I change it so that I change my restart handler so that it keeps trying to kill the child with a SIGINT, it fails each time, but when I send it a SIGKILL command it kills the child process:
if($time_passed > 60){
posix_kill($pid, SIGKILL);
I need the child to be able to be killed by SIGINT in order to handle it properly. I don't want to just SIGKILL it. Is there any reason as to why the 2nd time around SIGINT wouldn't work, but SIGKILL will?